Cabinet Approves National Alcohol Control Policy

Cabinet sitting on Monday has approved the National Alcohol Control Policy.  

The objectives of the Policy Include; To raise community awareness about the magnitude and determinants of the health, social and economic problems associated with harmful use of alcohol, to demonstrate Government commitment to address the alcohol related harm using effective evidence-based intervention, and to enhance capacity and increase technical support for prevention of harmful use of alcohol and management of associated alcohol disorders. 

Other objectives include; strengthen coordination and partnerships among stakeholders for increased mobilization of resources required for appropriate and concerted action to prevent harmful uses of alcohol, to improve monitoring and surveillance systems at different levels, and more effective dissemination and application of information for Advocacy, Policy development and Evaluation purposes and to strengthen regulation on production, packaging, distribution, marketing, sale and consumption of alcohol beverages.

This comes months after government banned sale and consumption of sachet waragi that has over the years been said to kill millions of Ugandans especially the youth.

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