Anger in Rukungiri District after Game Rangers Shot Fisherman dead

Officers from Uganda Police Force have commenced investigations into circumstance under which a fisherman was shot dead by game rangers in Queen Elizabeth National park in Bwambara sector in Rukungiri district.

Available reports identify the deceased fisherman as 36-year-old Kenneth Akampurira, a resident of Rushaya village in Bwambara Sub County in Rukungiri district.

According to Kenneth Wagaba the Bwambara Parish LC II chairperson, Akampuriria left home on Friday September 20, 2019 along with Johnson Bakama and Dickson Kilamanga to fish in Queen Elizabeth National park but Uganda Wildlife Authority-UWA game rangers found the trio fishing at river Ntungwa without authorization.  

The angry rangers opened fire when the trio tried to flee and shot Akampurira in the head killing him instantly while Bakama and Kilamanga managed to escape to safety. Akampurira’s body was later found floating on river Ntungwa last evening and was retrieved with the help of officers from Rweshama police post.

The Kigezi Region police spokesperson Ely Maate says they are investigating the matter.

However, Bashir Hangi, the UWA Public Relations Officer is yet to comment on the matter.

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