Vibrant new photos of young mechanic whom Wizkid vowed to sponsor in school

Nigerian music superstar, Wizkid, isn’t just known for putting out good music, apparently, he is also a man of his words as seen in the life of a young boy whose life took a turn for the better in 2018.

Two years after Wizkid reached out and offered to help young Basit, his life has changed completely.

New photos trending online shows a much happier and healthy Basit in his school uniform, and another one which shows him in the school magazine.

In the video which had trended online, Basit was seen spotting a presumed Gucci shirt as he worked on a car.

Turning to the camera, he is heard saying in Yoruba:

“There’s money. We wear Gucci to do vulcanizing job. If I want six, I can get it. If I want 100, I can get it.”
Below is the throwback video of Basit alongside recent photos:

Recall Wizkid had promised to help a young vulcanizer named Basit through all stages of his education. Basit had shared a video of himself singing along to Wizzy’s unreleased song Gucci Snake.

Very impressed with the fact that Basit took time off from fixing a customer’s tires to sing his song, Wizkid launched a search for him. After some hours, he shared another video where he revealed he has found Basit.


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